KDVS Interview with Ed Martin

Ed Martin, the host of Speaking in Tongues, dives into the history surrounding Queen of the Northern Mines. As a native Georgian, Ed is deeply knowledgeable about the antebellum South and the political history that preceded the Civil War. He is also well versed in California history. We had a great time chatting with Ed in this far-ranging discussion.







The "Portrait of Sophie Gray" on the front cover of QONM. •  What is the story? A coming of age novel? Or a western adventure?

Who tricked the slave power? California statehood tips the balance. •  Two Californias in 1861? •  Without the war, how long would slavery have persisted?

Our protagonist, Will Stafford, modeled on John Singleton Mosby. •  The perils of captivity. •  The eyes of the South on California's gold. •  Richard learns to admire a Confederate. •  Will Stafford's dilemma. •  Ida Hatfield represents the first generation of American Californians. •  Mary Dunn inhabits a no-man's land.

More on the Civil War in California. •  One man's conscience – Albert Sidney Johnston's choice. •  The potential for partisan war in California. •  The saga of the Los Angeles Mounted Rifles. •  Johnston's  legacy.

TJ's Mountain Maidu studies inform our character Nutim.


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